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Gardening - Garden Centres - Florists in Louth, Lincolnshire.
- Anne Schofield - site offline
Florists, floral arrangements. wedding flowers, funeral tributes, birthday bouquets and arrangements. Based in Louth submitted
- Crowders - site offline
A online shopping website for Crowders Garden Centre, they stock a range of barbecues, furniture and other products available to buy. submitted 05/05/2010
- Crowders Nurseries -
Crowders a family firm which has operated in Horncastle for 200 years. The firm produces and markets hardy ornamental nursery stock, two Garden Centres, Horncastle and Lincoln. submitted 11/11/2001
- Fern Nursery -
A nursery for hardy, garden ferns, based in Lincolnshire. submitted 27/10/2011
- JV Metalwork - site offline
Custom Metal Sculptures and hand crafted products submitted 24/11/2011
- K.R.N. Houseplants -
Wholesale growers of house and patio plants, and bedding for nurseries, florists and garden centres. Based in Louth, Lincs. submitted
- Kenwick Nursery - site offline
A retail nursery selling an extensive range of hardy perennials and seasonal bedding plants. submitted 27/10/2011
- Lincs Aquatics -
Lincolnshire's largest indoor Aquatics Centre submitted 21/07/2011
- Manders and Oxborrow -
Garden Centre submitted 01/01/2008
- P and R Property Services - site offline
Gardening, Power Washing, Fence and Shed treatment, Scarification. submitted 02/05/2007
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